
Emotions are like bacterias

Focus positives, Emotions are like bacterias

~ Inspiration from
Title: On Call 36小時II, The Hippocratic Crush II – Ep 1
Genre: Medical drama

Focus positives, Emotions are like bacterias
People’s emotions are like bacterias. (原來人的情緒就像細菌一樣)

When a person is unhappy (一個人不開心)

he will very quickly infect others around him. (很快就會感染身邊其他人)

Everyone think for a moment, in Grandma Plum’s lifetime (大家想一想,梅婆婆幾十歲了)

she must have weathered many storms (經過無數風浪)

Among, there must be happiness, unhappiness (當中一定有開心,有不開心)

bitterness, sweetness (有苦,有甜)

but the only thing she most remembered was the sweetness of eating chocolate.(但是到最後她最記掛的是吃巧克力)

Why do we not choose to learn from her and be a simple human being?(為什麼我們不學她,做人簡單一點)

Only remember happy times, blessed things.(只記住開心的時間,幸福的事情)

Value the people who love and protect us.(或者身邊一些愛護自己的人)
Isn’t that enough(這樣不就夠了)