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Brighten your tired computer eyes with goji berries, wolf berries tea

June 18th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Goji berries with fence and sunset in the back

June 2013@ Back yard, Goji berries.

Goji berry flowers

April 2011@ Back yard, Goji berry flowers blooming

Fresh goji berries tastes bitter sweet. It has a bright red orange color, smaller then raisins and have shinny delicate skin. It’s addictive to eat, unlike the dried ones the seeds are not as noticeable or hard. In Chinese herbs it’s known to be good for your eyes. I’ve also been repeatedly told the same by my trusted mom. It’s great for those, like me, who stares at the computer screen, phone or gadgets almost every waking moment.

Goji berries tea benefits: Original source


Goji berries tea benefits: (Translated on Google translate)

Goji berries also known as wolf berries are rich in carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin C, calcium, iron, etc., Good for the liver and kidney, improve eyesight, continuous drinking for two months, you can brighten eyesight, strong bones and muscles, improve fatigue. Especially for long-term use of computer generated eye soreness, fatigue, vision loss and other problems, the more helpful.

For more information about Goji berrie you can read up more on the subject here.

How I make my Goji berry tea: (Super easy)

Take hand full of Goji berries and boil in a few cups of water for about 15min. Pour into a cup and add a teaspoon of honey if you like. Drink tea and eat berries.


For me this is valuable information passed on from my family and now I passed it on to you. This is what I do, you can try it if you like but I don’t guarantee anything for you. Try at your own risk.

One Week Challenge: Exercise 30mins/day

May 29th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

The aim is to build a daily habit of exercising for at 30 minutes. In this challenge, do any form of physical activity for a streak of 7 days. If a break occurs, the challenge restarts until a streak of 7 days is reached.


  • Do something that’s not location or equipment related to minimize excuses for not doing it. Ex. Jump rope, dancing, jogging/walk in place, stairs…etc
  • Do something you love and will not get bored with. I dance freestyle to Korean pop all over the house. I never get bored with it, it makes me happy.
  • Use your favorite up beat music. Any activity will feel 500 times more fun.
  • Just do something! Don’t sit! Move, wonder around the house like a zombie if you like, at least you are moving.

My records:
[wppb text=” 1 break, 7 days challenge completed!!!” progress=7days/7days color=#66CCFF endcolor=#3399CC gradient=0.2 percent=inside] Duration: 5/20/2013 – 5/31/2013
5/31: 30mins, 820 steps, dance/walk to Korean pop.
5/30: 55mins, 1690 steps, dance/walk to Korean pop. Today, I was told I dance like a robot :P.

Doodle of me dancing like a robot

Doodle of the day: Dancing like a robot

5/29: 40mins, 1120 steps, dance/walk to Korean pop
5/28: 45mins, 1197 steps, dance/walk to Korean pop
5/27: 3hr Hiking, 2hr Walking at to the Zoo for the very first time in the US (2nd time in my life)

Cows on a dried grass hill

May 2013@ Briones Regional Park, Felt so relaxed to just look at them.


May 2013 @ SF Zoo, The first time I went to the Zoo as a child I was most impressed with the giraffe and today they are just as graceful.

looking at a brown, tan and white colored bear through a wet glass

May 2013 @SF Zoo, Dreamy Bear

two bears plotting their escape

May 2013 @ SF Zoo, Shhh…They are plotting their escape. Reminds me of the movie, The Zookeeper.

5/26: 5hr, Shopwalking ^_^.
5/25: 30mins, slow walk around Saint Mary’s College. ” Successful people see failures as discovered ways of how not to do things” ~Alumni Speaker.
5/23: 31mins, 11314 steps, very slow jog to Korean pop
5/22: 50mins, 1515 steps, dance/walk to Korean pop
5/21: 45mins, 1145 steps, dance/walk to Korean pop
5/20: 0mins, Last night I didn’t sleep at all.

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