To Share or Not to Share? - FocusPositives FocusPositives

To Share or Not to Share?

August 11th, 2012 § 0 comments

Today I shared one of the most personal things in my life with practically strangers at a new church fellowship. For most of my life I have kept these things in my heart. Sometimes it felt like a lock or a heavy load weighing on my heart and squishing all the air out of me. I struggled for so long and pondered during sleepless nights on how I can rid myself of what’s been kept away for ages. Natural timing is my excuse but it was probably more out of lack of thinking and the desperate need to release the recent added pressure. I probably should have also stopped before details came out but… it felt so liberating to let it out without thinking of the consequences. Sometimes that’s all one needs, someone to listen without judging. It’s not often we can find such good friend but then there is always God.

Reminder: No one needs to feel these burdens. God doesn’t Judge. Dump everything onto Him. God is always there listening. Talk to Him and He will always listen.

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