I went window shopping at Nordstrom and found these adorable Mary Jane. When I saw these from afar I thought they were so cute and maybe just a little too cute for an adult. I couldn’t resist and tried them on anyways. They had the same same gel padding as the sneakers, extremely comfortable.
The shoes are super flexible. It’s weaved with multicolored ribbons and glittery blue elastics. I could fit size 1, 1.5, and 2. I decided on a size 2 because it was looser and didn’t leave an mark on my foot. Size 2 had more toe space and the sole were wider and held my foot better. Size 2.5 was too big. The shoes are finely crafted and looks very slim. I especially love the bright playful colors. It reminds me of Japanese origami or a Japanese kimono. Very classy. The gel pad plus pink air sole is not only cute overload but also a dream to walk on. I’ve walked over 3 miles in these and it felt like I was stepping on a pillow. I didn’t expect them to be so comfortable to wear. This is a great addition to my closet, a splash of happiness. I love them :).
They sell for $49.95. Fortuantly for me I had a $20 coupon from Nordstrom that was expiring soon. So it this was a great deal for me. So happy!
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